BT Global Services
»We often engage Stelkom because of their solutions and professional approach. Time and again, it turns out that they are the right choice.«
Conexio d.o.o.
»As an international provider, Stelkom brings new business to Serbia and creates excellent business opportunities for the Serbian operators.«
National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food
»The quality of Stelkoms’ services such as connection on optical fibers, are reflected in their extremely high availability and reliability as well as their professional attitude of their engineers.«
ENKRONOS digital applications d.o.o.
»As our core business as providers of web applications and digital strategies, Internet services are crucial. We found the ideal partner who gained our trust not only with the excellent offer of services but also with their exceptional availability and exceptional flexibility.«
Pivovarna Laško, d.d.
»We are very satisfied with the services of Stelkom d.o.o.. We value a professional attitude and a comprehensive approach to solutions for our needs. Their technical service and support are at a high professional level. They also provide services of the same quality to our associated companies Pivovarna Union d.d. and Radenska d.d.«
Radio Slovenske gorice d.o.o.
»Many people describe radio activity with the words ‘media dinosaur’, as radio is one of those media that has been working on the same ‘outdated’ principle since its inception. However, we have not depended on good radio connections for a long time, but modern radio must also be heard online, which does not include content that must also be published in multimedia form. This would not have been possible without Stelkom’s excellent offer of internet services. Their willingness to listen to specific needs is especially commendable, and then they also make an effort to realize it when they show that work for them is not necessarily in the routine, but also a challenge to satisfaction.«